Grammatica in lingua inglese, completa 25 frasi

Grammatica in lingua inglese, completa 25 frasi

Domande 25
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Elenco domande

  1. I’ll never forget __________________ in ‘The Tempest’ at school
  2. Montessori _____________ that teachers should be like ‘social engineers’.
  3. I’m sorry I did it. It’s all my _____________ .
  4. The pupils will have to be ______________ into three equal classes.
  5. That boy’s always ____________ on those who are smaller or weaker than himself.
  6. We had been waiting for the coach for ages. __________________, it arrived two hours late.
  7. Blackboards are ________________ . We need to change them all for interactive whiteboards.
  8. Our teachers are all highly ______________ .
  9. I'm very busy. I have to write an end of year _____________ for each of my pupils
  10. “The pupils have made a really good job of the school play. You must see it!” is an example of:
  11. Nobody believed Tom at first but he _______ to be right.
  12. Keep __________ the edge. It could be dangerous.
  13. If I were you, I ______ demand an apology.
  14. It ________ all day and the road was slippery.
  15. This time tomorrow we ______ to London
  16. Apples have become England's _____ popular fruit
  17. Just _______ students were good, but none of them were excellent.
  18. She doesn't look like _____ her father or her mother.
  19. Tell the students ________ about the exam.
  20. I _____________ go to the beach but I like it now.
  21. ________ it was raining they played football.
  22. Jane went _____ speaking for hours
  23. I ________ really grateful if you could answer my question.
  24. The letter should __________ delivered yesterday
  25. _______ all his efforts, he still hasn't managed to pass the exam.
Fgl Cgil, Miur, concorso dirigente scolastico