Simulazione Inglese per Concorsi pubblici
Elenco domande
- Choose the correct word to complete this sentence: I believe that watching television is a complete ____ of time.
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence: People in my department often work ____ 6 p.m.
- Choose the best words to complete this question: You won't be coming to the office on Saturday, ____?
- Choose the best verb form to complete this sentence: We ____ the project in March and finished it in October.
- Which underlined word or phrase in this sentence is NOT correct? ‘The Long Walk’ by Stephen King is definitely the better of all his books.
- Choose the best word to complete the following: Elena is a student. She ____ to the University of Pisa.
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence: I’m sorry but I’m afraid I can’t give out ____.
- Choose the best phrase to begin this sentence: ___ that the equivalent output of around 50 power stations across Europe could be saved by increasing the efficiency of electrical appliances on ‘standby’.
- Which phrase CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? Ridley Scott's latest film ____.
- Choose the correct way to complete this sentence: During the Middle Ages the island was a place of exile ____ they sent anyone who dared to disagree with the government.
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence: Committee chairpersons can ____ serve two terms in office.
- Choose the best word to complete this question: What is your book ____?
- Which of the following is NOT a part of the body?
- Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? Most scientists now agree that the climate is change.
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence: The famous English writer, E. M. Forster, ____.
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence: He was ____ in a car accident this weekend but fortunately it’s nothing too serious.
- Choose the best verb to complete this sentence: The three judges who convicted him ___ a terrible mistake.
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence: On Mondays the shopping centre doesn’t open ____ two o'clock in the afternoon.
- Which of the following is NOT usually found inside a house?
- Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? Forty-nine of every fifty queries sent to the Internet's most important computers are unnecessarily, according to US computer scientists.