Preselezione Inglese per Concorsi, 15 domande

Preselezione Inglese per Concorsi, 15 domande

Domande 15
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  1. Choose the best way to complete the following: Hello, Sarah. I haven’t seen you around for ____. Where have you been hiding?
  2. Choose the best verb form to complete this sentence: It's very easy ____ addicted to the Internet once you start!
  3. Which phrase is NOT correct?
  4. Which of the following is NOT associated with sports equipment?
  5. What is the correct question to obtain this reply? He’s tall and thin, with glasses and a moustache.
  6. Choose the best word to complete this sentence: After the ____ of John Paul II, hundreds of thousands of people went to Rome for the funeral.
  7. Which of the following is NOT a place where you normally play sport?
  8. Which underlined word is NOT appropriate in this context? The matter of my presentation will be “How to avoid discrimination in the workplace”.
  9. Choose the best word to complete this question: Have you ever ____ a poem?
  10. Which two verbs are NOT opposite in meaning?
  11. Which word CANNOT be used to complete the following: What are you cooking? It ____ really good.
  12. Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? Under current EC regulations, individual medical patients may be referred otherwhere in the Community for treatment in certain specified circumstances, with the prior authorisation of the Health Department.
  13. Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence: I’ve heard that you ____ for a new job.
  14. Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? The Schengen agreement provided for the harmonisation of visa regulations, the exchange of information on criminals and the establish of common criteria for granting political asylum.
  15. Choose the best way to complete the following: We can’t be sure that global warming is to blame for the hot summers we have had recently. ____ no other plausible explanation has been provided so far.