Domande Inglese per Concorsi

Domande Inglese per Concorsi

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Elenco domande

  1. Which expression CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? The Beatles was one of ____ pop groups of the twentieth century.
  2. Which of the following is NOT part of a book?
  3. Choose the best word to complete this sentence: Unfortunately, the Evening Chronicle is ____ to contact Mr Roseberg for comment.
  4. Which expression CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? Luxembourg is ____ in the European Union.
  5. Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? There is strong competition in the lucrative overseas student market in the British Isles, with universities mounting recruited drives using high-powered, enticing sales techniques, some of which are not wholly appropriate.
  6. Which word or phrase CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? He denied ____ his employer, but the evidence all pointed to him.
  7. Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? Though the practical difficulties of animals cloning are still considerable, several recent breakthroughs have raised expectations of a viable method.
  8. Choose the best way to complete the following: You know that Frank has always had a flair for business. Well, apparently he’s thinking of leaving the office to set ____ his own computer company.
  9. Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? Like rivers, glaciers flow and so anything buried inside the ice it will eventually emerge at the bottom.
  10. Which underlined word is NOT appropriate in this context? Their house in the country is in ruins. It has obviously been inhabited for a very long time.
  11. Which of these adjectives CANNOT be the opposite of sweet?
  12. Which of the following is NOT a sport?
  13. Which underlined word is NOT appropriate in this context? I went to the library to buy a birthday present for my daughter, but I couldn’t find the book I wanted to give her.
  14. Choose the best word to complete this sentence: I ____ my office with another colleague.
  15. Choose the best word to complete this sentence: The Civil Service Code can _____ used to stop the publication of a book.
  16. Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? Aberdeen, one of the most important town in Scotland, is now a university city with a population of over 212,125 inhabitants.
  17. Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence: The receptionist ____ to spell my name.
  18. Which underlined word is NOT appropriate in this context? Professional female, tall, slim, and with attractive build seeks outgoing male partner in his twenties who enjoys communicating and has varied interests. A pretentious sense of humour is required.
  19. Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? Carbon dating is based on the fact that all living things have a certain level of radioactive carbon-14 in them and when they dead that carbon-14 slowly decays.
  20. Which underlined word is NOT appropriate in this context? Accommodation offered on lovely old-fashioned country farm with extravagant views and excellent facilities. Prices range from £50 to £100 per night.