Assistente Amministrativo ASL (categoria protetta), domande inglese
Elenco domande
- Sue and Ann don't like......
- The old lady sat in a corner talking to......
- You're quiet this morning. What are you......?
- Fred robbed a bank but was caught by the police. He was sent to......
- What is the best translation of: Hai visto il film in televisione ieri sera?
- What is the best translation of: Mio padre ha sempre lavorato duramente.
- What is the best translation of: Sai a che ora inizia il film?
- What is the best translation of: Sono stufo di studiare.
- What is the best translation of: Frank e Jill erano entrambe in ritardo.
- What is the best translation of: Se sapessi il suo numero la chiamerei.
- What is the best translation of: Da quanto tempo si conoscono Liz e Paul?
- What is the best translation of: "Non mi piacciono le uova" - "Neanche a me"
- Choose the right word to complete the sentence: Did Dean get the job he......for?
- Choose the right word to complete the sentence: The President of the United States is......every four years.
- Choose the right word to complete the sentence: It was a terrible vacation. ......went wrong.
- Choose the right word to complete the sentence: We didn't
- Choose the right word to complete the sentence: None of the......i met were chinese.
- Choose the right word to complete the sentence: The woman......was injured in the accident is now in the hospital.
- Choose the right word to complete the sentence: There's no need to hurry. We have......of time.
- Choose the right word to complete the sentence: The children were very good. They were.......