Assistente amministrativo per ASL (categoria protetta), domande di inglese

Domande 20
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Elenco domande

  1. Choose the right word to complete the sentence: It will cost to furnish this house.
  2. Choose the right word to complete the sentence: Jack ate a......loaf of bread yestarday.
  3. Choose the right word to complete the sentence: What was the name of the broke down?
  4. Choose the past tense of the verb to fall.
  5. Choose the past tense of the verb to draw.
  6. Choose the past tense of the verb to spring.
  7. Choose the best answer: Do you think i could borrow your bycicle?
  8. Choose the past tense of the verb to feed .
  9. Choose the best answer: Why are you turning on the tv?
  10. Choose the best answer: Could i use your telephone?
  11. Choose the best answer: Does John live in New York?
  12. Choose the best answer: What did you do?
  13. Choose the best answer: Where have the Simons gone on vacation?
  14. Choose the best answer: Do you want to go out for a walk?
  15. Decide which form of the verb is correct in the following sentence: Let's go out for a walk,
  16. Decide which form of the verb is correct in the following sentence: We......married for ten years. time flies!
  17. Decide which form of the verb is correct in the following sentence: I was awakened by a bell......
  18. Decide which form of the verb is correct in the following sentence: live when you came to Chicago?
  19. Choose the best answer: What's that vase made of?
  20. Choose the best answer: can i get you a cup of coffee?
ASM Matera