lingua inglese 3

lingua inglese 3

Domande 20
Disponibile Sempre
Navigazione all'indietro Consentito

Elenco domande

  1. The politician _____ his seat _____ 1998.
  2. You must ____ to the restaurant next door, it's ____ in town.
  3. _____ the information _____ asked for.
  4. I live _____ London but I _____ go to Milan on business.
  5. _____ can sing better _____ you
  6. _____ people work _____ that department?
  7. There aren't _____ pens _____ the cupboard.
  8. You ____ given further ____.
  9. The new boss _____ Germany but _____ in Geneva.
  10. Does Paul ____ ____ new job?
  11. We _____ to inform you that your application _____ successful.
  12. Excuse me, that seat _____ _____.
  13. _____ money do you _____ on food per week?
  14. Those planes ______ delayed because ______ bad weather
  15. We _____ your applications _____ the end of February.
  16. ____ have you ____ him?
  17. We ____ tell him ____ truth.
  18. ____ what time does the meeting ____?
  19. The first politician ______ proposed this law was ______.
  20. His father ______ the manager of the _______ factory
Comune di Melito (Napoli)