Inglese, Formez - 15 domande

Inglese, Formez - 15 domande

Domande 15
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Elenco domande

  1. Choose the correct phrase to complete the following: Have you ____ paid regularly this month? You never seem to have enough money at the end of the week.
  2. How do you write the year 1968?
  3. Which of the following is NOT a member of the family?
  4. Choose the best answer for this question: Do your parents live in France?
  5. Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence: On Fridays, public offices ____ early.
  6. Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence: The conference ____ in London - it was there last year and it’s never in the same place two years’ in a row.
  7. Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence: Please respond to the following questions to help ____ your account.
  8. Choose the best word to complete the following: She knows how to get on with people and does all the right things. She really is terribly ____ .
  9. Choose the best phrase to complete the following: The company is in trouble. Not only ____ to increase productivity, we have also seen an increase in costs.
  10. Which expression CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? Dear Sir, I would like to ____ in order to acquire new skills.
  11. Choose the best word or phrase to begin this sentence: ____ I manage to get through all the letters I have to write this morning, I’ll be able to start working on the new project this afternoon.
  12. Choose the best phrase to complete this question: How many questions ____ in this test?
  13. Choose the best word to complete the following: My friend Catherine is a journalist. ____ job is very interesting.
  14. Which question is correct?
  15. Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence: I am not really familiar with this technology yet so I am planning to ____ research on it.