Preparazione Inglese

Preparazione Inglese

Domande 20
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  1. If Paula Robertson begins a business letter with ‘Dear Sir or Madam’, how should she finish it?
  2. Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence. James Robinson doesn't live in China any ____ .
  3. Choose the best phrase to complete the following: You ____ the meeting yesterday. It was very important.
  4. The human resources manager is responsible for…
  5. Choose the best phrase to complete the following: It’s a really stressful situation. You ____ to attend a meeting at any time, you know.
  6. Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence: She asked him what ____.
  7. An eight-hour general strike is scheduled for 16 April, the first of its kind in 19 years. In this sentence, its refers to the word:
  8. Choose the correct phrase to complete this sentence. The director decided that all personal telephone calls ____.
  9. Choose the best word to complete this sentence: They have ____ to take legal action if the delivery is not made within 30 days.
  10. Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence: We ____ a better office party than this one.
  11. Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence: I need to check my schedule with my colleagues before ____ my tickets.
  12. Choose the best word or words to complete this sentence: ____ the economic situation improves, we will all be poorer next year.
  13. Only one of these sentences is correct. Which one?
  14. Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence: It ____ worrying about meeting the deadline, because they are quite prepared to give us an extra month to get the job finished.
  15. Choose the best word to complete this sentence: There is an excellent ____ of Vermeer’s paintings on at the Royal Academy at the moment.
  16. Choose the best word to complete this sentence: The new technology could aid detectives in obtaining computer images of fingerprints and ___________ them find out more about the person who left them.
  17. Choose the best word to complete this question: ____ you like to come to France with me next year?
  18. Which word CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? I ____ eight exams in my final year at university.
  19. Choose the best word or phrase to complete this question. Excuse me, can you ____ me the way to the Police Station?
  20. Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence: We ____ the training course very much.